After searching for a while for a simple way to automate the process of renaming scanned PDF files, I came across A-PDF Rename.
I have to regularly scan a large number of equipment borrowing forms and have had to go through one by one and rename them based on the borrower. This tool allows you to select a part of the PDF you’re interested (in my case, the name of the borrower) and map it to be the new file name.
In testing it’s been pretty good so far. If the document is poorly scanned it sometimes misses some data, but it’s a LOT better than doing it by hand!
I found a few other solutions, but most seem to be out of date or rather complex to implement for a non-coder. This tool can run from the command line if needed, but has a nice GUI for visual people like me (and works in batch mode which is important).
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I hate my life but at least this makes it beaerbla.
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Ja gør det Jeg har tænkt mig at se Odense by også og naturen omkring, tager mit kamera med så jeg kan få taget en masse billeder..
ha Marion nou je hebt helemaal gelijk.Dat zijn nu juist de fijne dingen he!!en wij genieten weer even met je mee. zo he jij hebt al bloemen in je courgettes.. hier nog niet doen de planten goed hun best. alleen worden de blaadjes van mijn bonen opgegeten….ik hou niets over zo dan alleen steeltjes…
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